Well last year a friend of the family's little girl was having a hard time in public school... she was being bullied and was contemplating suicide because she was so depressed... when we realized how severe her problems were, her family started talking about homeschooling but they didn't feel they could do it on their own so I volunteered to help them out by taking on the bulk of her schooling... so from January until May I was homeschooling Libs (10) (Girl).... Well once I saw how much she improved in her mental state, grades, and behavior I decided that maybe that would be a good thing for our girls too... I had always wanted to homeschool but family and friends talked me out of it because they didn't think I could do it and it would be bad for the kids....
Well for once I decided to stop listening to them and start listening to my heart... After much talking and praying me and papa bear decided it was time to take the girls out of school and start teaching them at home....
Several factors led up to that decision but the biggest one was the amount of bullying going on at the school... The girls would come home in tears begging to be homeschooled because they were miserable being picked on and made fun of.... Another factor was that I had been substituting before becoming pregnant with Chichi and saw 6 yes 6 6th graders pregnant, a few in their third trimester at the beginning of the school year which signaled to me that they had gotten pregnant in 5th grade.... talk about shock the daylights out of me... I was stunned... and these girls were happy and proud about being pregnant and showing off their bellies and saying oh look it kicked come feel look how cool.... oh wow is all I could think.... And the final reason was the drugs that were being talked about and distributed in school under the teachers noses... ummm hold up ... what is the teachers job? isn't it to teach and protect our students... umm allowing these children to get away with that is showing me that you are not paying close enough attention to what is going on around you....
Now I am not saying that all public schools are bad or that even that public school is bad but I don't want MY children around that atmosphere.... they deserve a more godly life where drugs, alcohol, promiscuity, and violence are not the cornerstones of their lives.... I feel that by bringing them home I can give them a more solid secure life.... now a lot of people do disagree with me but my thoughts on that are that if God had wanted me to keep my girls in public school then He would not have put homeschooling so heavily into my heart and mind... He obviously wanted me to take this step and so who am I to argue.... (not smart to argue with the Lord) He knows best...and so on that note I will leave you with todays memory verse
For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.
Luke 2:11
Luke 2:11
Oh and yes our day went good today... we had a few incidents of misbehavior that were quickly resolved and we even got done early today.. yay! Oh and our homeschool approval letter FINALLY came in from the state so now I can go get their textbooks so we can actually do all the work... YAY!!
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